By Darnell Washington, Newsophile Staff Writer

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Immediately after introducing Texas Governor Rick Perry as a "genuine follower of Jesus Christ" at a major conference of Christian conservatives here, pastor Robert Jeffress of Dallas, Texas then walked outside to attack GOP candidate Mitt Romney's Mormon religion. Besides labeling the Mormon Church a 'cult,' Jeffress also stated that neither Mr. Romney nor other Mormons can be considered Christian.
When r

eached afterwards by the press, pastor Jeffress, who leads a large Southern Baptist congregation, was surprised that his comments even made headlines. "This isn't news," he said. "This idea that Mormonism is a theological cult is not news, either.
"Think about it. We know for a fact that Jesus ascended into heaven. We know for a fact that God spoke to Moses via the burning bush. They've got who, this Angel Moroni? W

ho talked directly to Joseph Smith? That doesn't even make sense. It if isn't in the Scripture, it didn't happen. I'm sorry, but I don't make the rules, that's just the way it is.
"And what's with these golden plates that Moroni gave to Smith? Is that supposed to be fancier than the simple stone tablets which God gave to Moses for the Ten Commandments? Who do these Mormons think they a

re, with their huge temples and their big choirs? You never see that type of crap with the Evangelicals, I'll tell you that.
And that, my friends, is why Mormonism is a cult. Period."
Reached afterwards for comment, Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, argued that tapping Pastor Jeffress to introduce Governor Perry had nothing to do with Perry's own bid for the GOP nomination. "Let me be frank," said Perkins.

"Mormonism is a cult because we say it is. We've got more members. That's how it works in a democracy. God Bless America!"